Breaking News
Friday, December 25, 2015

Info Post
?It wasn’t until she was en route to the Ho Chi Minh airport that Sok Srey Touch knew she was in trouble. “There was another women from Prey Veng province in the taxi and she told me we were going to China,” the 23-year-old said in an interview Friday. “Suddenly I realized that what was going to happen was entirely different to what I had imagined.” A week earlier, Ms. Srey Touch’s parents had been convinced by a local woman to allow her and her 18-year-old sister to move from their family home in Stung Trang district to South Ko­rea, where she told them many young Cambodian women had found love and prosperity. “We were scared but she told us: ‘Even though there are only two of you, when you get to Korea, we have many Cambodians who will help you,’” Ms. Srey Touch said. “I just believed her.” In fact, that woman, who is now in Kompong Cham Provincial Prison charged with human trafficking, was a scout for an international syndicate that deceived women in order to get them to China, where they It wasn’t until she was en route to the Ho Chi Minh airport that Sok Srey Touch knew she was in trouble. “There was another women from Prey Veng province in the taxi and she told me we were going to China,” the 23-year-old said in an interview Friday. “Suddenly I realized that what was going to happen was entirely different to what I had imagined.” A week earlier, Ms. Srey Touch’s parents had been convinced by a local woman to allow her and her 18-year-old sister to move from their family home in Stung Trang district to South Ko­rea, where she told them many young Cambodian women had found love and prosperity. “We were scared but she told us: ‘Even though there are only two of you, when you get to Korea, we have many Cambodians who will help you,’” Ms. Srey Touch said. “I just believed her.” In fact, that woman, who is now in Kompong Cham Provincial Prison charged with human trafficking, was a scout for an international syndicate that deceived women in order to get them to China, where they


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